Monday, 5 October 2015

The Last Emperor

The film directed by Bernardo Bertolucci in 1987. At the 60th Academy Awards, the film won nine Oscars. The last emperor Pu Yi had a dramatic life. He experience highs and lows of life, from born noble and master of China to became prisoner in the jail. In the end, the last emperor became a poor worker. 


The film use two yellow and white hue, yellow hue used in the forbidden city, Pu Yi live in there and enjoy his emperor high-grade of life. The emperor play the tennis with princess Wan Ron. First scene is a long shot to explain they played tennis. However, film cutter show the everyone's close-up shot. Why did not use full shot firstly? . The full shot express characters's position in the frame. If the tennis match is not real, every actor hard to act very spot on. 

Revolutionary army rush into the forbidden city, they start to drive the emperor. the emperor bowed farewell to his english tutor. So the long shot for go far away emperor. The english tutor has a mid shot. The vermillion walled building still  appear the film.


Vittorio Storaro is photographer  in this film. He know how to use the light. Side light can increase scene. Especially, when the emperor back to the summer palace, the light project not only  to his face but also to the dragon chair. Making a charming and glory atmosphere, but the place do not belong to the emperor.

IMDb. (1987). The Last Emperor . Available: Last accessed 4th Dec 2015.

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