Friday, 16 October 2015

About my research project

What is your subject of study?
My subject of study is how to use lens language to express documentary storytelling more attractive, (visual design and editing technique) is two aspect of lens language that can sympathize with audience and making the documentary more tension.
What your research question?
How can the storytelling in the three parts (mise-en-scene, cinematography and postproduction) influence lens languagevisual design and editing techniqueto engage audience emotionally visual effect with frame in documentary films.

Research aim(s):
The primary research aim is to learn and definition lens language to express documentary storytelling. Mainly, how to influence lens languagevisual design and editing techniqueto advance audience’s visual effect with frame in documentary films. The secondary research aim is why the lens language is able to express documentary storytelling via lens language (visual design and editing technique) could engage audience emotionally. In addition, another research aim is to understand how to use cinematography and cutting materials to make documentary storytelling. The final research aim is how to test lens languagevisual design and editing technique, as to experiment with the theory hypothesis and to sustain conclusion of investigation.


  1. cool. you should look at the visual story by bruce block. Sure it's available in the library
