Thursday, 29 October 2015

Compelling Characters and Conflict

This week Phil teach us how to make a good characters and conflict. a good character need a conflicted character. Firstly we need to create need for character no matter how small.Because all strong dramatic characters have need of something. Phil introduce some type of conflict and let us give some example about man VS man, natural, machine,society and himself. Man vs man is Spiderman, Batman. Man VS natural is All is lost, Gravity and Cast away. Man VS machine is Terminator, i Robot, Transformers. Man VS society is God bless American. Man VS himself is TED. To create a compelling characters and conflict need to create a story about protagonist and antagonist wants something badly. Getting the protagonist have trouble. Finally, protagonist is clear his goal in his mind. Phil let us separate three group to create a story basic upon. We need to find some pictures in the magazine. Our group find a man rescue a baby gorilla. The man feed the gorilla to grow up. However, when the gorilla grow up, its find out people use others gorilla doing experiments. The gorilla union his ethic group fight with human-being. Finally, gorilla kill the people and its human parents. If a film have antagonism, it will catch the audience's eyes.In addition, the story should be specific and produce a turning point,  that make the storyline more interesting.

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