Wednesday, 4 November 2015


I finish reading the space part in the book. Jools let me make a video to show the four types of space. I think the deep space and flat space are easy to crate and find sample. Limited space is a specific combination of deep and flat space cues. About ambiguous space is not blur picture that is audience do not know the size and space relationship in the picture plane.
Flat space 
Flat space is opposite of deep space. To create a frontal planes in the picture is flat cues. Objects move parallel the the picture pane and keep the same size. In flat space, objects never change shape and gray scale need keep in a range within the picture. Brighter object appear closer and darker objects appear far away.
Limited space
Limited space avoid create longitudinal plane and objects movement perpendicular to the picture plane.  Limited space like a row of glass sheets, if it can separate clearly, limited space is produced.
Ambiguous space
Audience do not know the location of objects and camera. Lacking of movement and objects of unknown size or shape that is ambiguous space. Ambiguous space usually occur suspense and horror films.
This video is talk about four types of space. When I shooting the video, I feel the most hardest is to create limited space and ambiguous space.
Block, B,A. (2008) The visual story : creating the visual structure of film, TV and digital media, 2nd edn., Oxford: Focal.

1 comment:

  1. good examples. would have been good to combine this and the handheld shot work perhaps?
